Before the exam: Ensure that you have sufficient time to reach the examination hall. Candidates should be in the examination hall at least 15 minutes before the commencement of the exam. Candidates will be provided with a map to help them locate the examination hall; however, those candidates who intend sitting the examination in Maynooth are reminded that the university campus is extensive and that it may take time to locate the parking facilities and make one’s way to the examination hall. Whatever centre your examination is held in, there will be a TEG invigilator there to welcome you, to register you and to assist you.
Please remember the following on the day of your examination:
- Be on time. You are reminded that no candidates will be admitted to the examination hall once the exam has begun. This is to minimise disturbance to candidates who have commenced the exam.
- Bring a photo ID. A current passport, driver’s licence or national identity card are the only forms of ID that will be accepted. If you do not have one of the accepted forms of ID with you on the day of the exam, you will not be permitted to take the exam.
- Bring the examination number that will have been sent to you, as you will be required to write it on the examination paper.
- Bring pens for the written examination.
You should also remember that mobile phones and reference materials (e.g. dictionaries, notes) are not permitted in any TEG examinations. TEG will provide a safe storage area in the examination hall/room for personal items (e.g. coats, bags, phones). All mobile phones must be completely turned off before all examinations – and not left on silent.
The written examination – what happens in the examination hall?
The invigilator will give clear and comprehensive instructions at the beginning of the examination. To assist your preparation, however, below is a list of important points relating to the day of the examination.
- There will be a safe storage space in the examination hall for personal items. All coats and bags must be left in that space, as well your mobile phone (switched off).
- The invigilator will check your proof of identity and will show you the seat allocated to you.
- Candidates are reminded that books, dictionaries or paper of any sort cannot be brought into the examination hall. All answers are to be written in the space provided in the answer book provided. Rough paper and extra pens will be available if needed.
- You are advised to listen carefully to whatever directions the invigilator may give.
- Examiners will be present to answer questions during the examination, or if a candidate wishes to leave the examination hall for any reason. Candidates should raise their hand if they wish to ask a question or make such a request.
- Candidates may ask the invigilator to repeat instructions at the beginning of the examination and no marks will be lost as a result. However, in the interest of fairness, the invigilator will not be able to provide any additional information other than repeating the instructions.
- There will be a clock in the examination hall and the invigilator will inform candidates from time to time of how much time is remaining, e.g. when there are 60/30/10 minutes remaining.
- Candidates who finish the exam early may leave the examination hall any time from the end of the listening exam until half an hour before the end of the entire exam. Candidates may not leave the examination hall during the aural exam nor during the final half hour of the written exam.
- An invigilator will accompany any candidate who needs to use the toilet facilities during the exam.
- When you have completed the exam, ensure that your examination number is written on each answer book that you hand up to the invigilator. You are asked to remain seated until all papers have been collected by the invigilator.
- All examination materials (including rough work) will be collected by the invigilator at the end of the examination. Candidates are prohibited from removing any examination materials from the examination centre.
- Candidates are prohibited from copying, recording, sharing or distributing by any means any examination materials or any parts of the examination. Any candidate found to have copied, recorded, shared or distributed examination materials by any means may be liable to legal prosecution.
Guidance in relation to the written examination
- Read every question and the directions that accompany each question carefully.
- Be sure to follow the directions given. For example, if you are directed to put a tick in one box, no marks will be awarded if you tick two or more boxes. If you are directed to write one word as an answer or to write one word in a gap, then you should comply with the directions given. There is a danger that candidates will lose marks if they do not follow the directions given.
- If candidates are asked to write a passage then they should observe the stated word limit.
- Candidates are advised to pay attention to their handwriting. It is important that the examiner can read candidates' answers in order that (s)he can award marks fairly.
- Particular care should be taken with regard to spelling and especially with regard to the following: full stops, capital letters and the síneadh fada on vowels.
Guidance in relation to the oral examination
- Ensure that you know where your oral examination is taking place and that you arrive on time.
- You will be required to produce your examination number and proof of identity for the oral examination.
- Check the directions for the oral examination and ensure you are familiar with the examination format. For examinations at levels Bonnleibhéal 1 (A1) and Bonnleibhéal 2 (A2) candidates must be present 5 minutes before the examination time in order to prepare for the role-play task.
- Candidates are reminded that the oral examination is recorded.
Important notice
It is imperative that candidates adhere to all examination procedures and regulations. If a candidate is found to have breached a rule or regulation, TEG will not grade that candidate’s efforts and no grade will be issued to the candidate.