• TEG in secondary schools

    TEG in Secondary Schools

    Secondary school students around the country have been taking TEG exams for many years now. The syllabuses and teaching materials set out definite learning goals for both students and teachers. You will find information here about TEG exams for secondary schools in the 2023-2024 school year. This system has undergone significant changes, and we recommend that teachers read the following information carefully.  

    In the last year, we have developed a new scheme in conjunction with COGG in which priority will be given to L1 schools, that is secondary schools which are located in Gaeltacht areas or Irish-medium secondary schools, who wish to take the B1 / B2 TEG exams. A maximum of 700 students will be accepted onto the scheme this year.  

    These exams are primarily for L1 schools.

    If you are a teacher in a L2 school who is interested in running the exams in your school, please contact us to discuss your options.  

    TEG exams at A1 and A2 levels will not be available in schools this year. If students wish to take these exams, they may do so in the official exam centres on the dates published on www.teg.ie. 

    The TEG exam system is suitable for:  

    • Transition year students  
    • 5th / 6th year students preparing for the Leaving Certificate Irish exam  

    Syllabuses, sample exam papers and comprehensive teaching materials are available for each level. Teachers choose a suitable level, depending on the proficiency of the students. TEG staff can advise on this.   

    We have recently developed a placement test which gives learners and teachers a general idea of the learner's current proficiency.  

    As well as the teaching materials available on this website at Links and Resources, there are additional teaching materials suitable for secondary schools available at www.snas.ie and www.ceacht.ie

    Here is the Chief Examiner's Report (2024) on TEG Examinations in Schools.

    Can any school apply for TEG examinations? 

    These exams are primarily for groups in L1 schools. If you are a teacher in a L2 school who is interested in running the exams in your school, please contact us and we can discuss your options. 

    What are the benefits doing the TEG exams in secondary schools?

    The following are some of the benefits of the TEG system for secondary school students:  

    • TEG is an Irish language qualification which is recognised nationally and internationally  
    • Students gain experience of taking a formal oral exam, which is invaluable to them in their preparation for the Leaving Certificate Irish exam.  
    • They develop important communication skills, which in turn will benefit their language learning skills.  
    • Students are given a definite goal when they are preparing for a TEG exam. 

    The TEG system also has benefits for secondary school teachers:  

    • TEG helps teachers to set definite learning goals for their students, especially in Transition Year  
    • By taking the exam, teachers are given a formal, reliable insight into the proficiency of their students in the various language skills. This type of information helps them to prepare students for the Leaving Certificate exam.  
    • All candidates must take an oral exam, familiarising students with the oral exam process in a formal setting with trained, independent TEG examiners  
    • The TEG office can provide general feedback for teachers after the exam regarding students' strengths and weaknesses and general advice is given regarding language learning and teaching strategies.   

    What are the 2024 exam fees for secondary school students?

    B1 - B2 (Full Exam): €100 per person  

    B1 - B2 (Oral Exam only): €80 per person  

    The above discounted rates are only available to L1 school groups (with a minimum of 20 students required per level). Individual students cannot avail of these rates.  

    Exam fees must be paid in full by the school at the time of registration. (November) 

    If students withdraw from the exam after registration has been completed, or do not present for the exam, exam fees will not be refunded.   

    When do exams take place?

    Exams will be run in schools in March and April 2025. After a school has registered, suitable exams dates will be agreed with the school. These arrangements should be made by December 2024.  

    Do students have to take the full exam?

    There are two options available for secondary school students wishing to take a TEG exam.*   

    They can choose to:  

    • take the full exam - reading, listening, writing and speaking - for full certification or, 
    • take the oral exam only for partial certification.   

    *Schools cannot register their students for a mix of full certification and partial certification exams. They must be registered for either the oral exam only or the full exam. 

    Can students in any given group do a mix of full certification and partial certification exams?  

    No, schools must register their students for either full certification or partial certification. They cannot do a combination of both. They must be registered for either the oral exam only or the full exam.

    Can secondary school students do any of the TEG examinations and how do we choose the appropriate level? 

    Secondary school students as part of their registered school group can take either the TEG B1 or B2 exam. We recommend that teachers read the TEG syllabuses and sample papers to familiarise themselves with the skillset at each level. We have recently developed a test which gives learners and teachers a general idea of the learner's current proficiency. A sample exam paper could also be used as an in-class exam to determine their current level. However, teachers are advised to contact the TEG office for guidance about choosing the appropriate level for students. You can call (01) 708 3737 or send an email to teg@mu.ie. 

    What are the levels available in the TEG system?

    All information regarding the different levels is available here. Please note that TEG B1 and B2 are the levels available to L1 school groups. If you are a teacher in a L2 school who is interested in running the exams in your school, please contact us and we can discuss your options.

    Can students with a disability/learning difficulty sit a TEG exam?  

    The Centre for Irish Language is committed to providing a range of supports to ensure that candidates with disabilities or specific learning difficulties have full access to the TEG exams, and we make relevant supports and accommodations available when required. Students should specify their needs on the TEG application form and schools will be asked to provide verification. The TEG office must be informed of additional needs and verification will be required before the Christmas break in 2024.

    Where do exams take place? 

    Oral exam only: Depending on the number of students in your group and the availability of TEG examiners in your area, every effort will be made to hold the oral exams in your school during and after school hours.  

    Full exam: If you have a minimum of 20 applicants in a school doing the TEG exam, every effort will be made to hold all parts of the examination in your school. After registration, the TEG office will liaise with the designated teacher to make practical arrangements.   

    I am a teacher in a small Gaeltacht school, and I don’t have 20 students in my class to meet the minimum requirement. Is there any way that my students can take a TEG exam?

    We recommend that teachers from small L1 schools contact the TEG office. We may be able to help you to run the exams in conjunction with another school in your area.  

    How will results be provided? 

    Full exam: The overall mark attained by the student will be provided together with a breakdown of the marks attained in the various sections.   

    Oral exam: Students will be provided with the mark they received in that exam.  

    What do I have to do to register my students?

    Applications for the school year 2024/2025 are now closed. The students register form will be sent to participating schools after the October midterm. 

    Please note: We cannot accept more than 700 school students in total. This will be decided on a first come first serve basis from the above form. A waiting list will be in operation should more than 700 students expess interest.

    Where can I get an application form?  

    Applications for the school year 2024/2025 are now closed.

    Read the question What do I have to do to register my students? for instructions regarding registration. 

    What is the deadline for applications? 

    Applications for the school year 2024/2025 are now closed.

    Please note: We cannot accept more than 700 school students in total. This will be decided on a first come first serve basis from the above form. A waiting list will be in operation should more than 700 students expess interest.

    Must students bring an ID card with them to the examination?   

    Yes. Each student must have photographic identification with them during exams. A valid passport, driving license, official school ID or national ID card will be accepted. No other forms of ID will be accepted.  

    Can individual secondary school students apply for TEG exams? 

    Yes, but they can only register by using the general online application form when available. Discounted rates are only available for T1 school groups. Individual students must take the exam in an official TEG exam centre. They are advised to contact the TEG office to discuss these arrangements.  

    Where can I get more information? 

    Contact us at teg@mu.ie or on (01) 708 3737.  
    An information session for schools interested in the TEG exams will be organised early in the school year.