Regular fees for exam candidates
Full Certification
Partial Certification (oral exam only)
Bonnleibhéal 1 (A1)
Bonnleibhéal 2 (A2)
Meánleibhéal 1 (B1)
Meánleibhéal 2 (B2)
Ardleibhéal 1 (C1)
Fees for Secondary School Pupils (A1 to B2)
Full certification
Partial Certification (oral exam only)
TEG Exams (written and/or oral exams) will be conducted in the pupils’ own school provided there is a minimum of 20 pupils undertaking the exam.
Fee for other organisations
Exams are provided at a different fee for the Civil Service and other organisations who use TEG as part of training and recruitment processes. For further information, get in touch with