• TEG & the Civil Service

    TEG & the Civil Service

    Useful Information for Applicants 

    TEG is collaborating with OneLearning and Gaelchultúr/Coláiste na hÉireann to provide Irish language tests and qualifications to employees in the Civil Service.  

    Exams will be run twice a year from level A1 to B2. A schedule is available below.  

    Information regarding syllabuses, exam papers and a chief examiner’s report are available at each level at the following links: 

    Exam Schedule 

    Level Exam date

    Bonnleibhéal 1 (A1)

    Oral exam only

    10 & 11 June 2025 (online)

    Bonnleibhéal 2 (A2)

    Oral exam only

    4 & 5 June 2025 (online)

    Meánleibhéal 1 (B1)

    Oral exam only

    20 & 21 May 2025 (online)

    Meánleibhéal 2 (B2)

    Oral exam only

    27 & 28 Mey 2025(online)

    We will be in touch with candidates in October-November regarding the application form. 


    If you have questions about classes with Gaelchultúr, get in touch with Gaelchultúr at cgg@gaelchultur.com 

    If you have questions about TEG exams, contact the TEG office at teg@mu.ie 

    TEG Portal

    You can get access to the TEG Portal here.


    Please read the below FAQs carefully.

    How can I register?

    We will open an application form specifically for applications from the Civil Service. If you work in the Civil Service and are registered for a course with OneLearning/Gaelchultúr, the TEG office will be in touch in week 4/5 of the course with information on how to register.  

    Can I postpone or cancel the exam after I register? 

    Your exam fee will not be refunded after the third week of term. If an applicant is unable to attend the exam under exceptional circumstances (for example, illness), the applicant may be allowed to postpone the exam until the next round of exams. Cases will be assessed as they arise. Applicants will be required to provide a doctor’s note in such cases.  

    Where and when will the exams be on? 

    All information regarding exam dates and centres can be found in the above schedule. The TEG office will be in touch two weeks before the exam with your exam time. 

    I registered for a TEG exam but I haven’t heard from the TEG office. What should I do? 

    Immediately after registration, you should receive an automated response by email. That email will include your transaction ID and a receipt for the exam fee that you paid. If you did not receive this, please email teg@mu.ie. If you have received this, you will receive your exam details by email 10-14 days before the exam.  

    I have a disability. Can I take a TEG exam? 

    The TEG team has a policy of providing a range of supports to ensure that candidates who have specific learning difficulties get full access to TEG exams, and reasonable supports and accommodations are provided when necessary. Candidates with a learning disability/difficulty must provide the appropriate supporting documantation to the TEG Office. This involves two steps:

    1. It is necessary to give the appropriate details of your requirements on the application form.
    2. The candidate must send official documentation by email to teg@mu.ie at least three weeks before the exam. There should be clear guidance in those documents about the additional supports the candidate requires. It is the candidate's responsibility to contact Lárionad na Gaeilge to clarify any  guidance in the official documents.

    If we have not received all the information three weeks before the exam, we cannot guarantee that the appropriate assistance will be provided to a candidate with additional requirements.

    If you wish to discuss your requirements, please contact us at (01) 708 3737 or by email at teg@mu.ie.

    When will I get my results?

    If you are registered for an exam in December, your results will be sent to you by the end of January. If you are registered for a summer exam, your result will be sent to you by the end of July. 

    I’m unhappy with my exam grade or I have query in relation to my exam grade or performance. What are my options? 

    Candidates who are dissatisfied with their grade from a TEG exam, or who have queries in relation to their grade, can avail of the an appeal if their request meets the following grounds for appeal:

    • Evidence of substantive irregularity in the conduct of the examination;
    • Evidence of substantive bias by one or more of the examiners in arriving at a decision;
    • Clear and comprehensive evidence that the grade received is innaccurate.

    The cost of an appeal for the oral exam is €80. In the event that an appeal results in an increase in a candidate’s grade, the candidate should contact TEG in order to arrange for a refund of this fee.

    To download an application for for appealclick here.

    To make a payment for an Appeal, click here.

    Candidates must ensure they apply for appeal before the deadline – 10 working days after results have been released. Usually results of appeals are released 3 weeks after the candidate applied for the appeal.

    What is the pass mark? 

    At present, OneLearning/Gaelchultúr candidates undertake partial accreditation, i.e. the oral exam. For the oral exam, the pass mark fromBonnleibhéal1 (A1) toMeánleibhéal2 (B2) is 50%.60% is the pass mark forArdleibhéal1 (C1). 

    Which platform will be used to conduct the oral exams?

    The exam will be conducted via WebexYou should download the Webex app to the computer on which you will be working. This video contains a guide for using Webex.

    The Webex link for you exam will be emailed to you 1–2 days before the exam. 

    What preparations should I make before the exam day?

    We recommend that you make the relevant preparations beforehand so that you will not have any technical or other issues on the day of the exam:

    • Choose a quiet room in which to do the exam;
    • Ensure that you have a reliable internet connection in that room;
    • Download the Webex app to the computer on which you will be working;
    • You are strongly advised to do the exam on a laptop or a desktop computer. Mobile phones are not suitable as it may be difficult to see any illustrations or images in the exam;
    • Ensure prior to the exam that your audio, video and microphone are working properly;
    • Follow the instructions you receive from the TEG team regarding uploading a copy of a current identification card to your profile on the TEG Portal.

    You will receive the Webex link to your exam by email 1–2 days before the exam.

    What should I do on the day of the exam?

    • Make sure that you are in a quiet room and that your internet connection, Webex, audio, video and microphone are working properly;
    • Have your exam number and a copy of your identification card to hand;
    • You will have to show you identification card to the invigilator and also to the examiners;
    • You are asked to be online 5 minutes before the time of your exam. Don’t worry if there is a slight delay. On occasion, delays occur that are outside of our control. The invigilator will contact you if there is a delay of more than 15 minutes.